HOME > The Kansai Companies Profile > The Kansai Companies Profile Search
Last update:August 26, 2024
Filter by category, company name, industry, location and key words to find the most suitable companies for your business needs. When you click on the company name, you will be taken to the main category pages where the company is listed.
- The contents listed on this profile are subject to change without prior
- The Kansai Companies Profile is operated for the primary purpose of providing
information to missions and companies visiting Japan from other countries.
- Please inquire with each company directly from its website if you would
like to get more detailed information or contact companies individually.
No | Category | Company Name | Industry | Location | Key Words |
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kansai Bureau
International Business Division
Address: 1-5-44 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 540-8535
Fax : +81-6-6966-6087